1. You will get to know yourself better

Once you are out there on the road on your own you will be faced with decisions you need to make, fears you need to overcome and discover your true self and how much you are capable of. Travelling exposes you to raw experiences where you get to know the person inside you, that little kid that always wanted to travel, wander, expand and grow as a human being through exploring different places around the world. Once you are on your own, you will discover the importance of following and listening to your own heart. You will focus much better and enjoy the experience. You will live and feel now. A destination far away might help you find answers about your true purpose in life and what is it you are really meant to do.

2. It will get you out of your comfort zone

Going to unknown places and destinations will challenge you to learn how to rely on yourself at difficult times. Being away from the comfortable bubble of your home will challenge you in many different ways and test your patience. Only by putting yourself out there, you will be able to explore this beautiful planet and discover many new and exciting places. You might be challenged to explain where you are going to a local person or do hiking for hours in the mountains. Both of these experiences will test your ability to overcome obstacles, challenge you and help you grow as an individual.

3. It is cheaper

When you travel on your own it is much easier to keep up with your budget because you are the one who decides where and what to eat. That also means that it is much easier to save up money for other things such as trying an adventurous sport or travelling to a distant island.

4. You will make new friends easier

Being a solo traveller makes it much easier to interact with the local people and make some new friendships. The truth is that the locals are much more interested in what someone travelling on his or her own is doing in their country and are more likely to help you out and could be also more open and engaging.

5. You get to choose your own route

When you are on your own, you get the opportunity to plan your own route and the places you want to visit. When you are travelling with other people, often you have to compromise going to some places so that everyone is happy about it. Travelling on you own means that you get to choose the extra activities you want to do and plan your trip in a way that benefits you most.

6. You will learn how to rely on yourself

Travelling to other countries in the world will show you the importance of relying on yourself in difficult situations. You are the one and most important person in your life so make sure you learn how to trust your own heart, take decisions and make your own choices. That will help you further in life when it comes to taking an important step in your life because you will realise that it is you who creates the reality around you and it is significant to respect your own needs.

7. It will boost your confidence

Being on your own on the road will help you gain valuable skills and turn you into a more confident person. The experience of travelling alone will challenge your limits and ability to cope with obstacles on the way which will make you a stronger person and help you grow as a traveller and human being. Just being on a trip on your own is a challenge itself and all the other things that you will have to organise will help you realise that you can achieve anything you set your mind to only if you keep going.

8. You reflect on the experience better

You can reflect on the whole experience much better because you were the solo traveller who took the courage and action to go and explore exciting places around the world. Your reflections on the trip will make you realise all the things you learned on the road, the friendships you made, the choices you were faced with and the challenges you overcame. And the whole experience can be more amazing because you can focus on the things that excite you and visit places that interest you.

9. You will start enjoying your own company

You can see the importance of “me time” only when you travelled somewhere alone. You will start appreciating your own company much more and enjoying the time you spend on your own. Being alone on the road is also a great way to connect with your higher self spiritually and enhance the relationship with yourself.

10. It is good for your well-being

Each one of us can admit that travelling makes us happy and excited. It can reduce stress, calm your body and mind and also show you one of the most important reasons we live on this planet: to reunite with the natural world and be part of every beautiful place on the Earth. Featured photo credit: nature-person-red-woman/Tanay Mondal via flickr.com