Well, it doesn’t take a genius to guess, right? If you are in a healthy relationship, or are happily married, you won’t need to draw inspirations from Disney characters. You have your own fairy tale, written only by you two. So, what actually makes us happy couples? We don’t need gems, bling, cash, and all other worldly valuables to stay content. There are little little things we do everyday that are capable of making us joyous. My husband and I are happily married, and what we do everyday is not worth millions dollars!

1. They communicate.

Communicating is a form of bonding. Having a real conversation at least once a day is enough to wipe away any form of misunderstanding. If you are bothered about something or have an objection to something your partner is doing, talk. Tell that to your companion, strike up a conversation. Please do not nag or complain, only seeing the faults in them. Appreciate the positives, rather than the negatives. Keeping your partner in the loop of your daily activities is another form of communication. In this way, you are not missing out on each other’s day-to-day affairs.

2. They grow common interest.

Sharing some common interests (not all) with your partner is a sign of healthy relationship. Happy couples tend to enjoy each other’s company no matter what they are doing. You may not be fond of his obsession with NFL, or he may not enjoy watching Desperate Housewives with you, but there are certain things that you two can do together. Let’s take cooking as an example. You guys can cook up meals you always found challenging. Or, start gardening. Take baby steps, and you two can grow a beautiful garden together.

3. They spend time together.

With a fast paced life, it is hard to find spare time for personal entertainment. Why don’t you take at least half an hour from your busy schedule, and utilize it? You can meet up for lunch rendezvous, or go for a grocery date. On the weekends do something different. For instance, go to a drive-in movie. Even if you are not interested in the movie, you can always sit back with popcorn and drinks, and enjoy each other’s company under the sky.

4. They cuddle huddle.

Going to bed at the same time doesn’t always mean having sex. You can simply lie down with your partner under the blanket and cuddle huddle. Do you know that there has been research that shows how smelling your partner while cuddling has a positive effect on your relationship? The body odor of your partner has certain chemical keys that instigate comfort or a sense of security in you. Therefore, cuddling is a special response to a healthy relationship.

5. They hug and peck.

For some, this may sound like a silly thing to do everyday (I know few couples who don’t hug and kiss each other. Only God knows why.), but this “silly” matter is actually a powerful medicine to keep you two happy. Before heading out to work, and after coming back home, commit to squeezy, beary hugs and kisses. Make this a ritual; you two won’t be able to let go of it, trust me! Happy couples usually stamp kisses and cling on their partners whenever they feel like. I guess that’s why they are happy, right?

6. They signify I “heart” you everyday.

Expressing “I Love You” all the time may seem monotonous to you, but that’s not true. I call these the “magic words.” Uttering the magic words twice a day is sufficient, especially before going to work, and before hitting the sack. You and your partner know how much you care and love each other. Regardless, verbalize the words because “it’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away.” — Boyzone

7. They have a sense of humor.

One of the reasons why I fell in love with my man was because of his sense of humor. He cracks the silliest of jokes at unexpected times. And he has the ability to make me laugh for hours! Cracking jokes every now and then has a positive impact on a relationship. I can’t imagine my life surrounded by serious people. I need humor. And so do you! Happy couples know the right time to be witty. And laughing even at the lamest jokes on earth can increase the level of love between the two of you.

8. They switch off their ringers.

Most of your time is spent at work. The other time is spent doing miscellaneous works, including eating and sleeping. So whatever leftover time you have, utilize it for each other. Stop browsing the internet, socializing in all respects, and simply hit the power button. Switch off your phones, and be connected with your partner face to face. You’ll love it!

9. They believe in PDA.

Happy couples enjoy PDA. No, it’s not a Personal Digital Assistant. It stands for Public Display of Affection. Walking while holding hands or just a random hug while waiting on the signals, a little kiss on the cheeks, or my personal favorite, acting strangers. Sometimes, while waiting for the train, I will simply strike up a conversation with my partner as if I met him for the first time, and would continue doing that till we reach our destination. It brings enough entertainment to last for the day.

10. They plan their futures together.

Planning your futures can take two forms. One, you sit down with calendars, calculators, and note pads. Two, you have a deep and meaningful conversations on future plans for your lives together. For example, happy couples have a custom of planning everything together, regardless of how trivial the matter is. You two are a team, so work like a team. Make everything happen together, whether it is related to the children, you sex life, your career, or your plans for buying a house. Planning makes your bond stronger and enriches your journey together. Do you know the definition of happy couple? It is: he does what she wants, and she does what she wants. Just kidding! Happy couples never have the same character. And they have a good understanding of their differences. It doesn’t take a lot of effort; small gestures are enough to make you two live happily ever after!