1. Plans are just an illusion.

By making plans, you just create an illusion of control to yourself. You must be flexible enough to put a plan aside, especially if things don’t go the way you think they will. Plans are OK to work on, but really, a complete plan is illusory and rarely comes out the way you think it will.

2. Plans skew perspective

What you imagine may not be what you see. Plans may alter your viewpoint, creating confusion to yourself. How you view your plan may look perfect, but as we go, the real form which will differ may change you point of view towards it.

3. Plans are solely guesses

No way can a person be so sure about their plans. They are merely hypothesis that you draw from your point of view. Plans are often laid out while you make guesses about what will be best to happen and how will it happen. In other words, they are not something solid and they are just possibilities you created for yourself that may or may not happen.

4. Plans may blind you

You are often so fixated with your mind, carrying out your plan that perhaps you would have overlooked some other better options. Chances are there will be a whole new opportunity presented in front of your eyes but with plans that blinded your vision, you might just walked pass it. Before you know it, you had just missed that hard-to-get kind of opportunity.

5. Waste of time and energy

While laying out the whole plan, you definitely have to invest your time and energy in order to lay out what is on your mind.  You will also be wasting your time making assumptions and guesses that may or may not happen. Draining your energy thinking and keeping track of your plan can become exhausting.

6. Source of unnecessary stress

Life is stressful enough to lead everyone in hope for a good rest, uninterrupted. Making plans would not make life easier by any chance. You may just end up gaining more stress compared to those that spend their free time with leisure and rest instead of making plans. With plans, you will feel anxious and you will be worry with fear that your plan may fail. How stressful will this be?

7. Party-spoilers

You rejected almost all invitations to have fun in order to keep your plan going. You are too concentrated on your plans and you literally zoned out all the fun around you. Even when you decided to just let yourself loose, guilt surrounds you with the thought that you have a plan to keep going. With all these restrictions, how are plans fun?

8. Loss of the creative mind

After struggling with the mind and self, you finally managed to come out with a plan. You are satisfied with what you came out with and would definitely protect it. But what if as you go, something else comes up, a better way of doing it, a more unique way of solving a problem or achieving a goal? As you locked yourself with the plan, you will lock away the creative side in you with fear of taking chances.

9. Disappointments

Face the facts. Plans do not bring that much of satisfaction to you. Most of the time they will lead you to disappointment, pulling you down. It doesn’t always work the way you want and the outcome may not always be how you imagined it to be. Why would you want to fall into this pit of disappointment when the life away from plans is much more fun?

10. Give yourself a break!

This is the ultimate reason for not having any plans. Kick all the pens and papers away, free your mind and just lay back. Throw all the plans behind and enjoy the luxurious carefree life. Not having a plan means granting yourself the ability to do nothing at all. Featured photo credit: Keith Williamson via flickr.com