1. Sarcastic people are quick-witted.

Well, maybe just quicker than our targets. We immediately see the irony in a situation, and will be quick to point it out, even if we know no one else will have the slightest clue what we’re talking about. It’s kind of sadistic, but using sarcasm gives us a sense of empowerment, since we can gauge other people’s thought process based on whether or not they understood our quick jab.

2. Be careful what you say around a sarcastic person.

I don’t mean you should be ready for someone to chime in with “That’s what she said” or anything (and if anyone does chime in with that, you have my permission to hit them). But make sure you don’t say something that you know sounds stupid and is going to open you up to immediate ridicule. It might be a quick, off-the-cuff remark, but chances are, you won’t live it down for quite some time.

3. Sarcastic people bring you up to their level.

Once you start interacting with a truly sarcastic individual, you’ll get the hang of how to converse with them, and will know what they’re thinking at all times. This is a skill a lot of people don’t have, and it ends up making them look foolish at times. So the next time you catch yourself about to say something that you know your sarcastic friend will throw back at you, thank him for giving you a one-up on everyone else!

4. Sarcastic people are almost never serious.

I know, I know; “behind every joke, there’s some truth.” But like I said in the intro, if sarcastic people didn’t have a sense of humor, some of them would be outright suicidal. Instead of taking things to heart and dwelling on them endlessly, we take the opposite route and let things roll off our backs.

5. If a sarcastic person teases you, it means he likes you.

Just because they incessantly pick on you doesn’t mean they don’t like you. In fact, if someone acts sarcastic to your face, it almost certainly means he truly enjoys your company. My wife knows I’d never say anything rude to her and actually mean it. But just because she means the world to me doesn’t mean I’m not going to get a quick jab in here and there. I gotta keep her on her toes!

6. If you hear a sarcastic person mumble something, don’t ask him to repeat it.

Chances are, he mumbled it for a reason. It most likely meant nothing, but he just had to say it out loud or else he’d be left stewing for the rest of the day. On the other hand, if this becomes a regular occurrence, refer to the previous entry; if he really cares about you, he’ll make fun of you right to your face!

7. When a sarcastic person doles out a compliment, he means it.

Of course, it’s obvious when this isn’t true (like when you know you’re having a bad hair day, and he says, “Nice new ‘do!’”), but true compliments from a sarcastic person should be taken to heart, even more so than from the friend who always compliments you no matter what. If you get a sarcastic person to let down his guard and get serious, even for a short moment, you know he cares deeply about you.

8. Sarcastic people love other sarcastic people.

Whether you’d think of it as a meeting of the minds or a war of wits, when two sarcastic people interact, get ready for fireworks. Regardless of if they’re teaming up or butting heads, getting two people armed to the teeth with salty comments is sure to provide hours of entertainment for everyone else involved.

9. People use sarcasm to deal with the world.

Sarcasm really is just a defense mechanism, whether we want to admit it or not. There are definitely things beyond our control in this universe, and we simply have to accept that. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t be a little bitter about it! Let us cope with the things we cannot change by at least making a quick comment about them. After we let off some steam, we’ll most likely move on and forget all about it.

10. Don’t get on our bad side.

Just kidding. Or maybe I’m not. You were smart enough to get this far—you figure it out! Featured photo credit: elegant attractive fashion hipster man with rabbit woman appeared at the window via shutterstock.com