Check out 10 funny things you learn growing up as the eldest sibling.

1. You were raised with strict rules.

You were the first child your parents raised, so they wanted to make sure they got it right. You were forced to join clubs, you had early curfews and your parents stressed over every cut and bruise you got. Your parents had relaxed by the time your siblings came along, so their youth was much easier.

2. All of your toys were brand new.

There were upsides to being the eldest siblings, such as being the only sibling to get brand new toys. You were given brand new clothes, toys and game systems—and when you grew bored of them, they were passed onto your younger siblings. They said it wasn’t fair, but you think you deserved it as a reward for the strict parenting you went through.

3. You hated having to sit at the kids’ table.

When it came to Thanksgiving or family events you were always seated at the kids table, and you were always the oldest one there. You didn’t feel quite right sitting at the kids’ table—the chairs were way too small for you, but the adult’s table looked boring to you as well.

4. You are experienced in being bossy.

If your siblings did something bad, you were just as likely to get shouted at as they were for not stopping them. So whenever your younger siblings tried to draw on the walls or cut their own hair, you shouted at them. Then you got into trouble for making them cry.

5. Staying out late was more of a problem for you than your siblings.

Due to your parent’s strict rules, you spent your teenage years abiding by a very early curfew. You always made sure you were home in time, whereas your siblings regularly arrived home in the early hours of the morning—and your parents never said anything.

6. You fear losing games to your younger siblings.

After years of being the oldest and the bossiest, you fear losing any games to your younger siblings. From soccer to Jenga, you always have to win.

7. You were a cheap babysitter.

You grew up with a paid babysitter looking after you when your parents went out, but they realized you were a much cheaper alternative for your younger siblings. So you became a babysitter every Friday night, and you wonder why you were paid so little—that is, if you were paid at all.

8. You can never decide if you want to be the cool one or the responsible one.

You like the idea of drinking with your younger siblings, but if they have too many or puff on a cigarette, you immediately start worrying. It’s a tough struggle wanting to look after your siblings while also wanting to be their best friend.

9. You’re used to taking the blame.

You were supposed to “set a good example” for your siblings, so if they did something wrong, you both got in trouble instead of just them. Even if your sibling was 6 and you were 7.

10. You’re very proud of your siblings.

Despite the added responsibilities, you loved helping raise and shape your younger siblings. You are proud of everything they have achieved, and know you will always be there for your younger siblings. What did you think of this list? Share this list with any eldest siblings you know who you know could relate!