1. Plan ahead

In today’s fast-paced life, not many people plan ahead. Those who do think through and plan their days ahead of time set themselves up for true happiness and success. Set clear, actionable goals for the day (and the future) and you will give your chances of success a real boost.

2. Visualize success

Don’t just plan ahead. Visualize your own success and victory to remain focused, motivated and to keep going no matter what. Think about what it will feel like to achieve your dream and acknowledge that more will be achieved during the process of reaching the dream than the actual act of reaching the dream. That is how to keep your dreams alive.

3.   Go where the action is

Don’t shy away from challenges. Challenges give you the opportunity to apply yourself, learn and be part of something wonderful that might make a difference. Truly happy people are not those who hide behind closed doors in times of war, but those who pick up their swords, go where the action is and give it their best shot. It’s much better to try and fail, than fail to try.

4. Trust your abilities

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as different creativity levels. Truly happy and successful people understand their weak points and also fully believe in their strong points. This allows them to seek help and guidance when they need it and offer the same when they can. Show trust and confidence in yourself and your abilities daily by boldly tackling what needs to be done. It is through self-belief and confidence that you establish routines that push you to success and happiness.

5. Work hard

Hard work and persistence are secret ingredients for lasting success. If you work harder than everyone else and give it your best shot each day, success will come to you eventually and you will enjoy it. The fruits of hard labor are the sweetest.

6. Go home at the end of the day

Some people make a habit of regularly sleeping somewhere else other than home after a long day at work. Don’t do that. Go home to your family every day to set the right example and prove you care and respect your family. Of course, sometimes you might have legitimate reasons not to go straight home at the end of the day, but don’t make excuses for sleeping outside.

7. Get enough sleep

It has lately become fashionable to say people need sleep, but millions of people still don’t get enough sleep today. Your body needs sleep not just for rest and relaxation, but also to prevent sleep disorders like daytime sleepiness that can severely interfere with your ability to perform daily activities that bring happiness and success. Get an average of eight hours of sleep a night for adequate rest and relaxation and to ensure you wake up each morning refreshed and re-energized for the day ahead.

8. Wake up early

Wake up early at the same time before 6 am daily. The large number of truly happy and successful people who are proud early risers proves that this sleep routing works. If you want to give yourself a head start on the rest of the world, then you must become an early riser yourself. As the Dalai Lama says, “Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

9. Exercise daily

Exercise is not only good for your heart and your physical fitness, but also for pumping more oxygen to the brain and improving your brain power. Truly successful and happy people know this and make a habit of exercising daily. Whether it is short jogs in the morning before work or CrossFit workouts in the evening after work, exercise daily to boost your overall well-being, happiness and success.

10. Wear clean, appropriate clothes

Whether it’s a full office outfit like a navy blue suit for bankers, casual attire like jeans for department store attendants or comfy pajamas for home workers, what you wear matters a lot. It can affect how you feel about yourself and the way you perform your duties throughout the day. Wear clean, appropriate clothes every morning to get in the right mindset and facilitate productivity, depending on your work and plans for the day.

11. Read every day

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Whether it is reading the daily newspaper in the morning or a favorite novel in the afternoon, reading widely and regularly sharpens your mind and broadens your perspective. It helps you understand and appreciate the intricacies of life a lot more.

12. Spend quality time with loved ones

Quality time is giving someone your undivided attention. It can be your spouse, kids, parents or close friends, but spending quality time with loved ones talking and listening to each other strengthens your bond and allows you to  know one another better. It unites you and brings a lot of happiness. Do this regularly and you will feel truly loved, connected and happy in life.

13. Show kindness to other people

As much as 99% of the people you see out there are strangers. But, the majority of these strangers are good and decent people. Show love, concern and kindness to them whenever possible. A simple hello to the person in the elevator with you can make their day. Helping that elderly lady cross the busy road is simply nice and humane. When you show kindness daily you not only make new connections, but also make your own day brighter.

14. Forgive someone new each day

Don’t hold grudges. Grudges weigh you down and hinder your happiness and success. Just forgive and move forward. In fact, forgive someone new every day. If you can’t find someone new to forgive, forgive yourself for things you did (or didn’t do) before you go to bed. It will take the edge off and help you overcome resentment, which steals your time and energy.

15. Repeat what works for you

When you find what work for you, repeat and strive to do it better. Similarly, review and change what doesn’t work. This is perhaps the most important advice you should take away today. As Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” Featured photo credit: Kris Krug via flickr.com