1. You Mainly Fight About Clothes

Generally, your sister doesn’t annoy you and you always end up laughing until it hurts when you hang out. The only thing you really fight about is borrowing each other’s clothes — and when you do, it’s like World War 3.

2. You Are Incredibly Proud Of Each Other

You’re so proud of everything your sister has achieved, and sometimes you are blown away by just how smart, funny, and beautiful she is.

3. You Know Each Other’s Deepest, Darkest Secrets

She knows all of your shameful secrets and all about your gross habits. Luckily, she would never tell a soul. That’s mainly because you know all of her shameful secrets too.

4. You Bond With Each Other Over Your Annoying Family

Only she understands how annoying it is when your dad talks about golf for hours, or how funny it is when your mom gets tipsy.

5. You Are Totally Honest With Each Other

She will tell you straight away if she doesn’t like your outfit/boyfriend/hairstyle, and you do the same for her. That’s because you both know that true friendship is built on honesty.

6. You Embrace The Differences In Your Personalities

One of you is tidy, one of you is messy. You both like to dress differently and you hate the taste of her favorite food. None of this actually matters though, because she understands you more than anyone else you know.

7. You Drunk Text Each Other On Nights Out

If her favorite song comes on while you’re at a club, you will always send her a drunken text. It works both ways — she always sends you pictures of her cocktails so you can pretend you’re there.

8. If Someone Messes With Your Sister, They Have To Answer To You

You feel protective towards your sister like she is your child, and she feels the same way about you. This spells trouble for anyone who messes with either of you, because they will have to deal with the both of you.

9. You Don’t Need To Use Words To Communicate

You and your sister can have an entire conversation with facial movements. At this point, you’re basically telepathic.

10. She Always Knows When You’re Upset

You only have to say “Hi” for her to know when you’re upset or angry, and you love that she can almost read your mood. You never have to pretend with her. You are free to rant to her for as long as you want.

If you post a picture on Instagram or a status update on Facebook, you can guarantee your sister will like it. She supports you, and one of the easiest ways to show that is to make you look popular online.

12. You Have The Same Values

As you were raised together, you have pretty similar beliefs on the importance of family, animals, and how to treat other people. Even though you are totally different people, you follow the same moral code.

13. You Need Each Other’s Approval

You need your sister’s approval for everything, from outfits to future dates. What can you say — your sister knows you better than anyone else, so she is the perfect person to check with.

14. You’re Silly When You’re Together

You both bring out each other’s silly sides, and sometimes when you are together, you revert to a child-like state of humor — and it is always totally hilarious.

15. You Don’t Have To Make An Effort When You Hang Out Together

You don’t have to go places to have fun together — you have just as much fun sat inside on the sofa, watching funny kids movies while pigging out.

16. She Brings Out Your Maternal Instinct

If your place is cold and moldy, it’s fine — you’re an adult and you can deal with it. But, if you found out your sister’s home was horrible, you would help her financially so she could get a nicer place. It may seem strange, but it is more important to you that your sister has a nice life, rather than yourself.

17. You Love To Reminisce Together

You regularly spend hours together reminiscing on your childhood together — after all, who could forget the trip your family took to Spain when you were 10?

18. You Like To Judge Other People Together

It may be mean, but your sister is the only person who will understand your struggles with your lazy coworker.

19. But, You Would Never Judge Each Other

After all, how could you? She may make mistakes, but you know she is a great person – you’ve known it for decades.

20. Your Love Is Unconditional

There is nothing your sister could or would ever do that would make you stop loving her. You experienced life together, and no one could ever match that bond. What did you think of this list? Share it with your sister to see what she thinks!