A much needed, 6-month break. If you know me personally, you know that it’s hard for me to disconnect from the social media world, so the break shocked my followers and those close to me, leaving them wanting to know: Why was a break from social media necessary? I am a writer, and being on social media is a very important part of branding and developing who it is I want to consistently present to my audience. So, from a distance, it all seemed like something I should not have indulged in, but post-hiatus, I am more than grateful I made the decision. I hit a speed bump in my life right before the hiatus that prompted me to shut down a bit. I became discouraged about my future and my self-esteem hit the lowest point. I learned many things in the 180 days that I plan to take with me throughout life, and though I was very unsure of what was ahead of me while on hiatus, there are 3 things I learned that I feel are worth sharing. If you are thinking of taking a break, or you know people who are either social media junkies or just need to disconnect from the social world and reconnect with the world around them, these 3 lessons will help in making it a smooth transition.

1. You become what you consume.

I am a firm believer that what you allow to enter your realm is what motivates you, and ultimately molds you. Social media is one of those outlets that, if you are not careful, you begin to get so consumed in that world, you begin to forget about yourself and the world you live in outside of the social perimeter. Let’s be honest, what we see on social media sites and/or apps are over-exaggerations of lifestyles that are unrealistic. And if you stay tuned into their lives, you leave both your mental and spiritual realm open to be consumed.

2. Social media will always be around.

The world of social media is a world that is constantly growing, so hear me when I say, it is not going anywhere. With the way technology is developing, it would be silly to think that social media would just get up and walk away. What is important to note about the idea that “Social Media will always be around” is the fact that although social media will be here for decades and centuries to come, the people and experiences you love won’t be. Social media is so powerful, it will take your attention away from what’s most important, and you miss out on moments that come to impact and grow you. Those same moments that are essential in defining and motivating who you become. Not to say that all the things I learned while taking a hiatus away from the world of social media are not essential, but honestly, the most impactful thing I learned was that:

3. What you have and what you are is enough.

This will sound like a cliché, and I am okay with that. But if no one ever tells you in your whole life, I want to be that person to say it. There is just one you. This is the only life you will have, and though there may be a person who has something you feel like is more than what you have, I am here to tell you; that’s not the case at all. What you have is enough, and who you are is more than enough. Social media will have you looking in all directions, comparing your life to those that exaggerate, and/or live unrealistic lifestyles. Part of the reason I took my hiatus was because of the comparing I did daily, without even knowing it sometimes. And though it is ok to look, you cannot allow your eyes to see what they have as something you lack. What you have is far grander than any number of likes or views on any social media site. Who you are and what you have deserves your time and energy. Don’t give it all to an industry that sincerely does not deserve it.