Here are 7 lies that you keep telling yourself that may be holding you back from your own personal development.

1. It’s impossible.

Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it or that it’s impossible. You reap what you sow, and if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. Why are you saying no to yourself before anybody else is? These things matter. It matters that you want more than what the rest of the world is settling for and where there is a will, there is a way.

2. Failure is not an option.

Thomas A. Edison once said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  The only failure that exists is that which you do not learn from. And even if you do fail, stop belittling your efforts. When you qualify anything you do as a “failure,” or “not good enough” you are keeping yourself from gaining experience before even starting to grow. Even if you fail nine times out of ten, it’s OK. It just means you have to work ten times as hard.

3. I’m at a disadvantage.

You don’t have a lot of money to invest in that new business, you are an artist who cannot afford lessons, or maybe you’ve just made big mistakes in the past. Think of all the inspirational people out there who’ve done impossible things: Beethoven was deaf, Joan of Arc was an illiterate peasant, Oprah Winfrey was raised by a single mother who worked as a maid. Normal people achieve the impossible everyday, so what are you waiting for?

4. I just don’t have the time.

Out of all lies, this is probably one of the biggest. It is true people have obligations, or maybe you don’t want to appear selfish by taking time away from your loved ones to focus on you. But just think, if you don’t grow, what will you have to share? If you don’t make time for success, what’s going to happen when you run out of time to make things happen? Prioritize, reorganize, and learn to use your free time wisely. If you don’t have the time, it’s because you haven’t made the time.

5. I’ll get to it later.

No you won’t. If you don’t do it today, chances are you will not do it tomorrow. The more you put something off, the easier it will be to procrastinate, and you know it. Avoid this, and don’t leave for tomorrow what you know you can do today.

6. This person just got lucky.

It is true that success comes with a small amount of luck. However, before getting lucky, you have to work hard. Sitting there and waiting to grow into a better you doesn’t happen out of a strike of luck. Anyone who is successful failed, tried again, kept trying and didn’t give up until they found the right answer, business pitch, idea, etc. Think of it as buying tickets to a lottery: the more tickets you buy, the more likely you are to win. But how are you supposed to win if you don’t play?

7.  It’s not worth the risk.

Yes it is. Later in life you are more likely to regret not doing all that you could have. Furthermore, no matter what you do, life is full of risks. Even the safest of choices can go wrong, just like the riskiest ones can go right. It’s better to go through life thinking “wow, I actually did that,” than “wow, I wish I’d done that when I had the chance.” The more you risk, the more you earn, and even if you fail, just take it as a lesson learned and move on. Take risks and don’t let fear keep you from reaching your full potential. The mind is a magician and the projection you have of yourself is extremely important. If you wholeheartedly believe you can’t achieve something, chances are you will not. Stop lying to yourself, find happiness! Stop telling yourself these seven lies that hold you back from growing. Featured photo credit: Flickr via