Especially getting things done. Not only does a writer need discipline and skill, he or she also needs tools to help him hone his craft and to make his life easier. Times have changed. Modern writers don’t work with just pens and notepads anymore. We need tools to keep up with the times and readers. That’s why we need tools to help us write AND get in front of readers. Here are some tools that can help make your life as a writer easier.

1. Your Own Website

Your website will help you establish your online presence. Use an email catcher to help you connect with your audience. There are a lot of email marketing tools that you can use. Aweber, Mailchimp and GetResponse to name a few. Most successful authors have a huge email list of subscribers that are waiting for their book. But you don’t have to fret yourself if you have only 12 subscribers at the moment. Act and write like a pro and treat your subscribers with respect. With proper marketing, your email list will eventually grow. If you don’t want to spend money on having your own domain and hosting, you can use or IMCreator to start with.

2. Scrivener

Scrivener is a writer’s best friend. There is a learning curve in using Scrivener, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll never go back to Word again. The ability to convert your file in one click into .mobi, .pdf, or .epub to name a few, is one of the best features of Scrivener that makes it worth it. You can also set your word count goal and keep track of your progress. The ability to edit and insert scenes, chapters and character names with ease is also worth noting.

3. A Private Blog

Aside from your official website or blog, have something where you can free-write. You can vent out your emotions or thoughts here that you don’t want to publish. How could a private blog make your life easier you ask? It will provide writing-practice and stress relief so that you’ll have more confidence in growing your audience. A private blog lets you exercise your writing muscles. and Penzu are worth checking out.

 4. Pomodoro App

You can time yourself and set a goal for a word count that you need accomplished for a certain period of time. There are a lot of free pomodoro apps out there. For starters, try using Focus Booster or Tomato Timer, also free.

5. Write or Die

Write or Die is a cool website where you can kill writer’s block, literally! Or else you die. Ha! Just kidding. It will blast off an annoying sound if you stop writing. You can set your “grace period” or choose the sound that it will play if you’re successful in your target word count. You can also choose which annoying sound will blast off your ears if you don’t reach that goal.

6. Pen and Notepad or Journal

Yes, the old fashioned pen and paper is a must. You’re a writer after all. Writing by hand promotes creativity. Just because we’re modern writers doesn’t mean we should forget our good ol’ pen and paper.

7. Evernote

If you want convenience and, you can use Evernote to write down your story ideas. The Evernote app automatically syncs to your account so you don’t have to worry about losing files. You can also use Evernote and Scrivener for your writing projects. So there you have it: six tools that will make the life of a modern writer easier. As writers, we’re no longer expected to just write every day. We need to find our readers, too. So go now, write and start sharing your stories to friends! Featured photo credit: jamelah e. via

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